Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mangos and Mary

So in the midst of being totally frustrated at the news reporting last night two bits did seep through the mire of opinion and bloviation last night.

1. We have deemed it wise, optimal even to trade Nuclear Technologies with India in exchange for Mangos. Mangos people. Anyone just hanckering for a mango? I mean is this a commodity we should be aware of and stashing away? Can we do more with a mango than say, plutonium? Is it a renewable resource for energy that we have overlooked?

2. Mary Cheney, who did nothing apparent, save contribute a whole $1000 to the Virginia's marriage ban fight, did nothing to stop the R's from villifying us during the last Prez election, reports that she is now preggers.

I suppose her comfort is all the money she has to stave off any legal challenge to her right to parenting.

I wish her well, but hope she was also inseminated with a sense of involvement, too.

I'm off to eat a mango and dream of equality...

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