Monday, July 17, 2006

Jesu Coulter of Even Later Day Saints

Earlier, I wrote of the harpie, Ann Coulter and her haranguing of all folks not like her. Well, it would seem that happily enough, folks have had just enough of her. And its just as well. For a mere lack of religious status, her church of Coulter is calling for a fatwa in the deaths of editors of NY Times, again. Again, I say.

In tribute I put together two images, that, if it gets cooler I will fix so that they are suitable for framing. For now, you get the idea.

Meanwhile we've got a figure head of a prez out in the world chewing and speaking with his mouth full of food, all the while referring to ages-old conflicts as "shit".

Anyone else embarrassed?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Latte Liberalism

Pam over at the House Blend is sifting the grounds over at her site over Hillary Clinton's lack of support for SSM.

I respect Pam alot and this is not about her or her blog. But it is about our collective mistaken view. We think politicians should just get it. We think we are right, therefore we are due their support. By our very existence we are due.?

Ah a mislaid sense of entitlement!

Hillary does not come out for us because we are not a force to be reckoned with. We do get notice by Wallstreet because that is where we spend our money. We do get notice in some local municipalities because our economic impact is known and appreciated, but politically we are no where!

We shun the claim for an agenda. We have no plan.


As for Hillary it might bear noting that she was a republican before she met Bill.

Also it bears noting that there is no stop to the wave of success to the telebangelists. Why would they? I think we can stop them, but with only .0008% equivalent of our vaction money spent on advocacy, it's going to more than a slog, its an impossibility. Cabo San Lucas vs Civil Rights? "Hmm, Honey, just where shall we go? Down the street to talk to our congressman or to P-town?"

We'd seemingly choose comfort over courage any day. First they take our right to legal recognition of commitment, then families, then where we work, followed by where we live. They take them and will take them because we do not fight for them. Our existence does not secure our rights.

And yet because we can still work and the majority of us will not have children and because the majority of us live just fine without state sanctioned relationships we plan where we will spend a few weeks relaxing.

Maybe we'll send a few dollars to NGLTF or a state equality organization. Why send more than what a couple of lattes are worth?

Equality Ohio got $300,000 dollars from us in memberships last year. That really is quite impressive given that Equality Ohio is only 1 year old. Lynne Bowman, EO's exec, is truly doing a fine job, has a plan and is on track.

But really, $300,000? EO needs about 5 mill to defeat the fundies and create positive legislation for us.

$300,000? When there are at least 1 million of us in Ohio? Oh me 0, Oh my-o poor little Ohio.

Yes, please tell me your reason for not giving money to advocacy? I'd love to hear it.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Update on Buffet/Gates Attacks

Fundies scared of ol' Warren's Money

This is ridiculous. If that money were spent to pollute and oppress, there would be ne'er a whimper.

This complaining is about denigration, repression, and rascism wrapped in the thin cloak of righteousness. It stinketh.

Monday, July 03, 2006

No Accounting for Taste

This is wrong on so many levels. The World Overcomers Outreach Ministry paid $260,000 for this 72 foot tall edifice of really crappy taste. This will be seen by many as a good thing, sadly true. That the church certainly had the right to spend this kind of money on this kind of thing really cannot be argued. I get the intentions and the right to spend whatever you have on whatever you want, its just the enormity of the crassness.

But funny, there will be not near enough complaint over this as the windfall Gates' Foundation got last week. Now what amazed me was the number of fear-based concerns over what impact the Gates Foundation could have on issues and solutions. There was much talk by folks thinking the Ahmurikan public should have some say in where and how the money would be used. Isn't what happened the outcome, or an outcome, of a free market society? Make a "good" product, market the shit out of it and make gobs of money, then if you've got any sensibility left use your gotten gain to help others? Isn't this why we think tax breaks to businesses and owners will positively effect the folks at the bottom of the hill?

The big concern of course is what Gates Foundation actually spends its money on. The poor and the brown yearning to breathe-at all. Concern was even expressed that the foundation might turn its focus to include gay marriage. EGADS? What ever would we do if money were made available to advocate for liberty, end bigotry and eliminate bias in the law? WOW yeah, now that's dangerous.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

NeoCons Dumb Like a Fox

What if all this posturing and harumphing about the NYT, Washington Post and L.A. Times running the story about SWIFT is part of a larger plan to obfuscate the real reponsibility when another (assuming it will) terrorist act occurs here? What if Cheney et al are simply making the press the scapegoat preliminarily? If you already have been barraged by false info that a bad guy or a "source" for your woes has been found, then when something really does happen, its easy to blame the target and convince others of the same.

Two ways to grow a target. Who starts the ball rolling doesn't matter. If you're asleep at the wheel, you're the first to deny without an accusation. For example-The worst thing Nixon did to himself was to say he wasn't a crook. Until then Joe Citizen didn't think Nixon was necessarily. But he was the first to publicly say anything like that. So then Joe Citizen went about thinking, "why did he say that? who is saying he's a crook? has he done anything crooked?"

And Whamo- the public interest was on. (BTW, it was the fall of Nixon and subsequent congressional tamping of presidential authority that got the neocons flush with purpose and driven to be where they are today.)

But if you want things looked into, just call into question someone or something's integrity and lob baseless accusations. Alot of them. Make vague references, say things which are packed with ideology and little fact. Nothing like a fable to make a counter-argument feeble.

If NeoCon's goal is to increase the powers of the executive branch and exalt them over the other two branches (and it is), the free press has got to be reined in and ultimately squashed. It is what stands between the us and despotic rule.

The Neo Cons have seen to it that the stage is set. They are fussing about the news report this week of SWIFT when money-tracking by the government on those they suspect of damn-near-anything had been announced by same said government for months if not years before. True, maybe the exact source of SWIFT had not been disclosed, not sure, but it isn't like terrorists don't know they are being tracked through banks, emails, phone calls, mail, packages, ad nauseum. They are not stupid just fanatical.

Censorship is being asked for as a punishment for this news article. A Department of Censorship was demanded by a Congressman, a conservative radio show host said the Editor of NYTimes should be killed. There shouldn't even be room for folks to lob these kind of comments. Radio Host sponsored by multi billion corporations was not even rebuked by producer or sponsors for her comments. But report on fact and BLAM! you're unpatriotic. (no she shouldn't be jailed, but if the FCC can penalize for seeing Jackson's nipple...nuff said)

A Congressman who took an oath to uphold the constitution wants to break his oath and dismantle the constitution in one fell swoop.

Should another terrorist attack happen, the press will be summarily and once and for all completely vilifiled. Neo Cons will get that censorship office served to them on a silver platter by the people, and soon a two party system is gone along with checks and balances, rights and what we could have been.

One day, someone might write about this fall of democracy, but the book will probably be burned.