this week is only half over and ALREADY its been a week of comedic material, kidney punches, and unfullfilled wishes for thunderbolts to strike.
This week I certainly wish there was some sort of force that would get back into the business of smiting enemies of mine and thine.
On the one hand we have folks who limply offered up the Federal Marriage Amendment and for the life of me this anemic attempt should be a signal for something, but I say I cannot figure it out. I might not be stupid enough or devious enough. And you cannot fix stupid, I heard, so I will work on devious over the next few days.
Meanwhile the FMA failed to pass. But some folks on the hill got some great questions asked of them. (H/T to John at americablog)
But on to Anne Coulter. This is the one for whom lightening bolts should be deployed and in gross amounts. This woman should be struck down so hard that even her past is obliterated. I have, in the past, sat before my tubular-wonder translator of matter and watched her spew forth incredibly huge buckets of bilious untruths without any counter from anyone. But this week, she left me gobsmacked.
Gobsmacked, I'll tell you.
Clamoring for whatever klieg lighting she can get, this entity we know as Ann Coulter must be devoid of humanity. The fact that she can speak and read might indicate that she had human contact during childhood, but she must be the sister of Dr. Evil. Perhaps she is the one who shaved his scrotum.
Accusing the widows of 9/11 of profiting from their grief is beyond derision. Its the act of a guttersnipe.
Ann Coulter: a soul which cries for a heart in it.
Meanwhile, there were folks who thought that because Tuesday was June 6th of 2006, that Satan was spawning his anti-christ. Or that it had already been born and would rise to power, or that...WHATEVER.
Of course 6/6/06 does happen EVERY ONE HUNDRED YEARS.
So which 06 will it be...or is it 616 as has been reported? Or maybe it is that 666 represents the feminine and is numerically a translation of EVE as has been said.
Suspend your beliefs that put men on the moon, discovered penicillin, and uncovered string theory but realize that chasing after heresy instead of producing goods and making discoveries will seriously effect the coffers.
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