Sunday, April 08, 2007


On this, for some, hallowed day, there is a mounting swell of support to keep the separation of church and state. Blue Gal has started a ruckus I am more than happy to support! Also check out the fine folks over at First Freedom First.

For too long and by far too many people, there has been an actual call for a theocratic state here in the US. I think in other rational times this would be called rebellion. When you have politicians calling for it I believe the actual word is treason.

For too long we have been in a halcyon stupor, too obsessed with staying afloat in a turbulent economy and too scandal weary to care. But this is exactly when it happens. Like a magician's trick we are being distracted by one hand while the other is actually pulling off the ruse.

If this treason takes place we deserve it. If we cannot care enough to defend our rights, we do not need them. What we do not take care of will crumble. What we dismiss will overtake us.

So in honor of this day, I ask for a resurrection of not the Right, but what is right.

Why do we need the separation of church and state?

Well, let's see:
Religion, when state sanctioned, creates a superior class or group of people. Why is this bad? Because it establishes a position of domination over others. Why is this bad? Because not one of us should be in dominion over others as we all are capable of corruption, abuse, and deceit. Dominion implies scarcity and that means that at some point it is inevitable Might will be seen as right.

Then it encourages, nay, institutionalizes hate for those who are different. It makes heretical any thought or consideration of change.

How much more powerful it is to say I choose to act beneficially on my and your behalf than to say some mythological construct I believe in says to-otherwise suffering some to-be-determined penalities.

And in the end who's to say just who is right?

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