This tops the story of the US trading mangos for nuke tech. Well, no, it doesn't. The fruit for nukes trade has statements in reality and compounding implications. But thanks to the poor credibility of World Net Daily, they can actually float this kind of nonsense and have Bubba with his WebTV actually believe this!
Like Bubba even eats tofu!
But really is this not just a hidden slam against all those who eat tofu? The idea that someone might not eat something that at one time bled really puts the teeth of middle America on edge. It ain't Amurican, I'll tell you. It hurts the economy, it puts folks outta work and makes folks soft. And then make a small step to the right and you can hear the idea that those who eat tofu are just linin' up with all those we fought in dubya dubya two...AHA! They lost, we'll be reminded. Lost to those who eat meat even raw..oh wait...they eat raw meat too...sushi...but red meat...not fish...fish doesn't count. Can't count it as meat if those papists can eat it on meatless Fridays.
There, middle Amurican values saved once again.
If it bleeds it leads! Tofu make you a loser ergo it makes you gay! Ah the logic is sublime...
In truth, there are some studies out there, studies in the early stages that do link tofu to low sperm counts- maybe due to genistein found in soya and tofu. But it is not the presence of sperm (read testosterone) that makes one gay or not. Its more than that. Just as it is more than that which determines all sexual orientations and genders.
I really wish folks would just give up on this chase of causality for gayness.
In the meantime, meateaters who are gay, wave your hands about madly and ask for seconds.
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