Not sure I was prepared to post anything like this topic till near or after the fall election. I certainly hope this isn't just a respite from the onslaught of anti-family family values and further dilution of our constitution. Not quite ready to pop the cork on all this, but the bubbly is chilling just in case...
But, SCOTUS bitch slapped the white house and said they broke with Geneva Convention and cannot conduct military tribunals on the GITMO folks.
The Dems in Congress seemed to have found a line item in the budget to buy brass ovaries and they are rattling the cage the Republicans are putting us all in.
Rush Limbaugh has lied his way into a big hole...maybe that is why he needed viagra.
Bush can't get enough National Guards to protect the borders. Perhaps cloning is not such a bad idea after all?
Another Homeland security employee is under fraud charges and the Homeland's cyber guy's generous salary is questioned.
The Pentagon is being sued for not providing a wind study in timely fashion and Sierra Club is holding their feet to the fire over it.
Arkansas lost the case to forbidlgbt folks from fostering.
Jenna Bush is going to teach in Latin America. Ah yes we can send folks to Mars and Bush progeny to Latin America. Chances of her becoming a democrat? High, I think.
And PFLAG is ringing the closing bell on Wall Street today.
Not a bad week, if you ask me.
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